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Tip Sheets & Resources 

Featured Resources


**New, May 2024**-- Disaster Resources from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provided by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services


Resources and Information for Faith and Community Leaders Regarding the Israel - Hamas Conflict

from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security



Talking To Children about War

from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Offers information for caregivers on how to talk to children about war. This fact sheet includes the potential impact and considerations when talking to children about war, how to start the conversation, understanding media coverage, and how to foster resilience. 

Published in 2022

Other Helpful Links


This page includes curated links to crisis and disaster-related tip sheets and resources for faith and community leaders as well as the general public.


Featured Organizations - Click to jump to:

National Child Traumatic Stress Network

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has a wealth of information, organized by topic, for parents wanting guidance for how to help their children cope with high stress events.


Here is the general search link.


Below find some specific, highlighted resources.


Assisting Parents/Caregivers in Coping with Collective Traumas

Offers strategies to help parents/caregivers cope with collective traumas. This fact sheet also provides guidance on what parents/caregivers can do to care for their children as they cope.

In the past year there have been a multitude of traumas that each of us have experienced or witnessed through media exposure. These include the ongoing pandemic, economic hardship, violence and abuse, racism and discrimination, policy chang- es that negatively impact specific groups (e.g., LGBTQ+ people, immigrants) and system failures (e.g., health disparities, police brutality). There have also been numerous stressors including balancing work and parenting demands and managing other obligations at home and/or in our personal life. This combination of traumas and stressors may feel overwhelming right now. This may be especially true if you have experienced prior traumas and are being reminded of those past experiences.

Published in 2021


Free Online course: Child and Adolescent Traumatic Stress Reactions to COVID-19-Related Deaths

Describes aspects of COVID-19-related deaths that can contribute to children’s traumatic stress reactions, with an emphasis on developmental considerations and behavioral health disparities. To date, more than 140,000 children have lost a parent or primary caregiver to COVID-19-related deaths. Due to the nature of these deaths, many children may develop traumatic stress reactions that contribute to problematic grief responses. 

Published in 2022


Parent Guidelines for Helping Youth After Mass Violence Attack

Offers parents guidance on helping their children after a mass violence event. This fact sheet describes common reactions children may have, how parents can help them, and self-care tips after a violent event.

Published in 2017


Coping after Mass Violence

Offers information on coping after mass violence. This fact sheet provides common reactions children and families may be experiencing after a mass violence event, as well as what they can do to take care of themselves. 

Published in 2021


Helping School-Age Children with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers

Describes how school-age children may feel when struggling with the death of someone close and offers tips on what caregivers can do to help.

Published in 2014


Helping Teens with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers

Describes how teens may feel when struggling with the death of someone close and offers tips on what caregivers can do to help.

Published in 2014


Helping Young Children with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers

Outlines the feelings of young children struggling with the death of someone meaningful and offers suggestions on what caregivers can do to help.

Published in 2014


Tornado Response for Kids: Right after a Tornado

Offers information to children about how they may be feeling after a tornado and ways to cope with those feelings.

Published in 2011


Questions to Ask Your Children About the Tornado

Provides questions for parents to ask their children following a tornado. This tip sheet offers common reactions to traumatic events and when to get help if needed.

Published in 2011


Tornado Recovery for Kids: Making Things Better

Offers information to children on ways to help themselves and others after a tornado.

Published in 2002


Tips for Parents on Media Coverage of the Tornado

Gives information to parents and caregivers about media coverage following a tornado. This tip sheet describes what parents can do to help their children, media exposure after disaster events, and talks about what it is like when a family is a part of the story.

Published in 2010


Wildfires: Tips for Parents on Media Coverage

Offers parents information about media coverage after a wildfire. This tip sheet provides guidance on understanding media exposure, what parents can do to help, and when your family is a part of the story.

Published in 2009


Taking Care of You

Provides information to help youth practice self-care. This fact sheet includes information on what it means to take care of yourself, as well as recommended hotlines and conversation starters. This resource is most helpful for youth ages 12 and older.

Published in 2021


Childhood Traumatic Grief: Youth Information Sheet

Offers information for youth to help them understand the differences between grief and traumatic grief, the signs and symptoms of traumatic grief in children and youth, and what to do to feel better.

Published in 2020


NCTSN Resources Related to COVID-19

Identifies existing NCTSN resources related to COVID-19. The list includes fact sheets and resource guides, offering information and suggestions for supporting children and families during COVID-19. 

Published in 2020


Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Community Organizations and Leaders

Discusses how challenging financial circumstances affect communities, their organizations, their members’ sense of safety and ability to calm, self- and community- efficacy, connectedness, and hope. This fact sheet offers practical ways to help community members address their problems, stay connected, network, and cope better during economic downturns.

Published in 2020


Talking with your Children about Islamophobia and Hate-Based Violence

Type: Fact Sheet

Discusses Islamophobia and hate-based violence against Muslims with children. This fact sheet highlights, for parents and caregivers, strategies that can be used to facilitate effective conversations, age-specific guidelines, and actions families and communities can take before an event occurs.

Published in 2019


For Teens: Coping After Mass Violence

Offers information for teens about common reactions to mass violence, as well as tips for taking care of themselves and connecting with others.

Published in 2018


Select NCTSN Resources Related to Teen Sexual Assault

Identifies existing NCTSN resources related to teen sexual assault, acquaintance rape, sexual abuse, and child traumatic stress. The list includes fact sheets and webinars that offer information and tips for professionals, parents, and teens themselves.

Published in 2018


Psychological First Aid Tip Sheets

Tips for Adults

Parent Tips for Helping Infants and Toddlers after Disasters

Parent Tips for Helping Preschool-Age Children after Disasters

Parent Tips for Helping School-Age Children after Disasters

Parent Tips for Helping Adolescents after Disasters




Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Free Training (registration required): The Kognito simulation suite, sponsored by the Office of Suicide Prevention at the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services, address topics of mental health, suicide prevention and bullying, and how to support especially vulnerable students as a professional or peer. These research-proven simulations go beyond knowledge and awareness to build user's skills and self-confidence through practice talking with virtual students and parents.


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and US Health and Human Services

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.


Publications and Digital Products covering a multitude of topics can be found here. Narrow your search topics by using the drop down menus on the left side of the page.


**NEW** Hope: A Guide for Faith Leaders to Help Prevent Youth Suicide

A resource from the Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships office of the US Health and Human Services


National Center for School Crisis And Bereavement

The National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement (NCSCB) at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is dedicated to supporting students through crisis and loss.


Resources and Guides can be found here including the following: 


Guide: Responding to Death
Designed to help school administrators, teachers, and crisis team members respond to the needs of students and staff after a loss.


Guide: Responding to Suicide
Designed to help school administrators, teachers, and crisis team members respond to the needs of students and staff after a suicide has impacted the school environment.


Guide: After a Loved One Dies
Guidance for parents and other caring adults on how to support grieving children, available in English, Japanese and Spanish.

Guide: Talking to Children about Tragedies

Insight and suggestions for how to talk to children about tragic events such as shootings and terrorist attacks.


Hurricanes & Floods: Taking Care of Your Children and Yourself
After a hurricane or flood from other causes, families face a variety of challenges. Here are some steps to help you protect and support your children during these times. 

Psychological First Aid: After Natural Disaster
Practical advice for parents and other caregivers on three steps (listen, connect, and protect) of psychological first aid.


Psychological First Aid: Students & Teachers
A five-step crisis response strategy designed to be used by educators and other school staff.

Notification Templates

For use with our guides for responding to the death of a student or school staff member, and/or suicide., Jewish Resources for Coping with Acts of Terror


Provides resources to guide parents and educators in speaking to their children about tragedy, especially those based in human-caused violence. Click here and scroll to find the following resources:



This link provides prayers and poems to help find words to speak to God about our grief.



©2020 by Crisis Care Ministries, LLC.

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